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Interview with Nayan Prakash from ACE Web Team

Nayan has been in the Digital Marketing field since the beginning of 2019 and started his first job in May the same year. Later on, in October 2019 he switched to a different US-based company in Patna. He is currently working as a Team Leader in PPC at RepuGen Web Team. He is very much interested in reading blogs for every update on Digital marketing. Apart from this, he loves riding bikes and listening to music.

Further, Let us hear from him,

Hello and Welcome Nayan!

Let us begin with your unique story, could you please share that with us?

Sure, I was born in Begusarai, a district in Bihar where my Dad used to run his own business. I completed my intermediate in Science in 2015. My dream was to be an engineer, but due to some financial crisis, I took the admission for graduation at LNMU. During this period, we (my sisters and myself) loved to help our Dad to run his business successfully. In November 2016, after my Father’s death, we were managing our family expenses with great difficulty through his business. In almost the next two years i.e by the end of 2018, we had no choice but to shut down our family business and I went to Patna to explore various institutes for Digital Marketing. This field was very new to me back then and I had never heard about this until one of my close friends discussed this with me. I completed my Digital Marketing Course: Master Certification (CDMM) program from Digital Vidya at Patna. At that time my sisters managed and took care of our family expenses and my course fees by running a coaching centre at home. During my course, I used to run my marketing website called – Infotech Digital, which helped me a lot in exploring everything in Digital Marketing. I enjoyed doing SEO for my website using the skills that I had learned so far. One thing that I learned in the past was, if you do not do something practical in digital marketing, then it would be very difficult to display your best in any domain.

I got my first ever job in a Patna-based startup where I worked as an SEO executive. I resigned from here after three months and switched to a different company, RepuGen Web Team. I was hoping the organization would hire me to be in their SEO department, but to my surprise, they appointed me as a PPC executive.

Those 11 months of my journey as a PPC executive was a life-changing experience for me. In September 2020, I got promoted as a Team Leader in PPC. Special thanks to my RM cum Mentor who supported me in gaining new skills. Here, I am continuously working towards excelling in my skills for a better future.

I still run my marketing website in collaboration with my close friend to enhance my digital marketing skills. He deals with the clients. Also, I like to do my late-night work in peaceful surroundings. My LinkedIn Profile

According to you, what is the best way to start the day?

For me, seeing my mother in front of me is the best way to start the day.
However, in the digital world, the best way to start the day is by sitting back on your chair, turn on your laptop & get back to explore and implement new things.

Who is or has been your inspiration?

My sisters are my inspiration, the way they took over the responsibilities when I was not capable enough on doing so. They still push me to gain furthermore skills.

What makes digital marketing different from traditional marketing?

Targeting the right audience at the right time makes Digital marketing different from traditional marketing. I remember the days when my Father use to run his business,  it was very difficult for him to reach to new customers with new products. I believe, if I had known about digital marketing during that stage, I could have helped him in his business. In short, if someone is still doing traditional marketing for their business, they definitely need to switch to digital marketing. However, I must say, traditional marketing is never going to end as it is indirectly boosting sales from Digital marketing.

What are your three favorite digital marketing tools?

As a PPC marketer, my favourite one is Google AdWords, which combines my SEO & PPC skills. Google Analytics is next and the third one is WordPress, it’s Content Management System (CMS) is one of my favourites for the website designing part. This one would be every digital marketer’s favourite, just assuming…

How would you define success in your career?

Success for me in my career will be the day when I would be able to take complete responsibility for my family without much difficulty.

What is your biggest dream in life?

Not a very big dream though, But yes, I want to set up my own brand- Infotech Digital.

What is worth spending more on to get the best?

Time is worth everything. If someone is spending their time to enhance their knowledge & skills, then that would be worth spending more to get the best.

Lastly, would you like to say something to our readers?

From my experience, I would suggest one thing to everyone. If you think that you have learned everything in digital marketing, then you are probably wrong. This is digital marketing, which constantly keeps changing with evolving trends. Always keep practising in whichever field you are and believe in yourself.

Thank you, we truly appreciate your valuable time spent with us.

Thank you so much for this opportunity. Wishing you all the best!


We too wish you the best in all your future endeavours.


Deepak Kanakaraju

The post Interview with Nayan Prakash from ACE Web Team first appeared on Digital Deepak.

Interview with Nayan Prakash from ACE Web Team Interview with Nayan Prakash from ACE Web Team Reviewed by Shoaib Khan on November 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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